Opportunities | Unplash by Razvan Chisu
Opportunities | Unplash by Razvan Chisu
An April election to fill four open positions on the Freeman City Council won't be necessary. Friday, Feb. 24 marked the deadline to file petitions & all current councilors with expiring terms turned in unopposed petitions. The “new” council will convene on May 2 with all current members retaining their seats, as follows:
Clifford “Lonnie” Tjaden will begin a new 2-year term in Ward 1 & Blaine Saarie will begin a new 2-year term in Ward 2. Unopposed petitions filed in Ward 3 were by Elizabeth Waltner for a 2-year term & Tabitha Schoenwald for the one-year term.
Charlie Gering & Steve “Charly” Waltner will continue with one year remaining in their current terms of office representing Wards 1 & 2, respectively.
Visit the "Breaking News" & "Government" sections at CityofFreeman.org for timely information relating to the City of Freeman.
#ExperienceFreemanSD #CityCouncil
Original source can be found here.